*Due to a power outage at MAOG, VBS Day Camp will be held at The Fold on Thursday and Friday night from 6pm-9pm*

I'm New

We would love to connect with you.

Let us know you're coming!

Ready to check out one of our locations? We can't wait to meet you in person. Simply fill out the form below to let us know you're coming! If you have any questions, make sure to provide contact info so we can reach out to you! See you soon!

What To Expect

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at one of our churches a great one!

What do your church services look like?

Each of our services begins with musical worship. After the music portion of service is complete, there will be a brief window of announcements. After that, one of our pastors will come out to share a message directly from God's Word.

What does the culture of your church look like?

Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest. Our church is very casual in dress and demeanor, but we take the word of God very seriously. You can expect all of our music and teaching to align with -and come from -the Bible.

What about my kids?

Our vision for Children's ministry is that your kids would not only have a blast, but also have their hearts and minds focused upon Jesus. This is something we view as a great responsibility, and so we make it a priority. The other thing we make a priority is your children's safety. Because of that, make sure to leave yourself some extra time before service to get your kids checked in -and so we can get to know them! Be sure to check out our Ever Green Kids page to fin d out more information!

Where We Meet


Sundays at 10:00 am

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Saturdays at 6:00 pm